Book an appointment
Book online (as below) or call 03 366 7616 or email and I will contact you.

4. Choose consult type & day/time

Manage existing appointments
Change Day/Time
- Find a suitable new appointment time and book the appointment.
- Contact Vigeo to cancel the existing appointment
Waiting List
If an appointment time becomes available, you may be able to get in sooner than you thought.
Request to go on the waiting list by providing both your preferred Date(s) and Time(s) when you Contact Vigeo.
If a cancellation occurs, you will be notified by SMS/Email with the option to attend or not.
Contact Vigeo to cancel the existing appointment
Check Appointment Day/Time
Check your emails or text messages from Vigeo Physio to find the day/time. If you can’t find that, Contact Vigeo.